Friday, 8 April 2011

Phytoplankton for Weight Loss

Phytoplankton For Weight Loss?

There are literally thousands of products out there for weight loss, some natural, some not so natural. Knowing more about your body and blood sugar levels is a step in the right direction to dropping the pounds and being successful. The benefits of taking phytoplankton for weight loss is a healthy natural way of getting there.

When we eat, our body converts digestible carbohydrates into blood sugar (glucose), our main source of energy. Our blood sugar level can affect how hungry and how energetic we feel, both important factors when we are watching how we eat and exercise. It also determines whether we burn fat or store it.

Our pancreas creates a hormone called insulin that transports blood sugar into our body's cells where it is used for energy. When we eat refined grains that have had most of their fiber stripped away, sugar, or other carbohydrate-rich foods that are quickly processed into blood sugar, the pancreas goes into overtime to produce the insulin necessary for all this blood sugar to be used for energy. This insulin surge tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.

However, the greater concern with the insulin surge is not that it tells our body to start storing fat. Whatever we eat and don't burn up eventually gets turned into fat anyway.
The greater concern is that the insulin surge causes too much blood sugar to be transported out of our blood and this results in our blood sugar and insulin levels dropping below normal. This leaves us feeling tired and hungry and wanting to eat more. The unfortunate result of this scenario is that it makes us want to eat something else with a high sugar content. When we do, we start the cycle all over again.

Phytoplankton Weight Loss

Phytoplankton, along with a healthy diet, is a natural way to level your blood sugars so that you no longer get those insulin surges, therefore making it easier to stick with your healthy eating plan.

When taking phytoplankton for weight loss, take phytoplankton on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast and around 3:30 in the afternoon, when you go into your mid afternoon blood sugar drop, it will level your blood sugar and make you feel satiated so you won’t feel the need to reach for those sugary snacks to give you that quick pick me up. So reach for an apple or any piece of fruit instead and keep that metabolism running efficiently.

There are many phytoplankton products out there, so if your shopping around make sure you get what you pay for, Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton contains 400mg of pure phytoplankton in each capsule, i've been to different health food stores that had 25 mg of phytoplankton the rest were fillers!! You can't possibly get any benefit from 25 mg. So check out my web site:

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