Thursday, 19 May 2011

Phytoplankton For Arthritis Sufferers


Arthritis happens when the body’s immune defenses attack tissue in the joints and leads to cartilage becoming more brittle causing inflammation and pain in the joints. As we age the cartilage has less capability to heal itself from arthritis without the help of proper nutrient rich plants like the nutrients found in phytoplankton. The cartilage in your joints are living tissue and its cells are continually undergoing changes and repairs, as we age our cartilage is more likely to become damaged and gradually loses the ability to heal itself.

Poor nutrition over time greatly affects our cellular health thus leading to such diseases like arthritis. Weight gain, injuries, wear and tear from sports, infections, and autoimmune conditions are all thought to be causes of the painful inflammations of the joints known as arthritis as well. But for all you sufferers out there, there is hope. Adding the jam-packed nutrient rich food “Phytoplankton” to your diet may ease or even cure your arthritis.

Phytoplankton For Arthritis

Getting rid of those daily pain medications your taking for the pain and inflammation form arthritis and adding phytoplankton to your diet will be beneficial to your health. Relying on pain medications on a daily basis will eventually lead to stomach issues which then lead to more medications because of the stomach issues. It’s a never ending vicious circle of medications. It’s time to take control of your health and get off this merry go round. So if you're like many other people out there, are suffering from arthritis, taking numerous amounts of medications to alleviate the pain of arthritis, then phytoplankton for your arthritis may be the cure for you.

Phytoplankton is a whole nutritional package by itself; jam packed with so many extremely beneficial nutrients. Nutrients like:
  • Aspartic Acid- helps make healthy DNA and builds the immune system
  • Copper-eases arthritis pain
  • Proline- helps repair torn cartilage
  • Pantothenic Acid- reduces morning arthritis pain
  • Omega 6 Fatty Acids- reduces arthritis symptoms
  • Vitamin E- boosts the immune system, keeps nerve tissue healthy
And so much more! So use phytoplankton for arthritis as an extra source of much needed nutrients and reduce the impact of arthritis.

Phytoplankton may be the most effective nutrient for controlling the pain of arthritis. It’s a microscopic power house plant that helps you absorb nutrients and dispose of toxins. So packed full of nutrients and has such high nutritional value that if affects you the cellular level. Phytoplankton for arthritis is a great super food to consume as a supplement in any nutritional program. There have been reports of complete recoveries from arthritis that are almost believed to be beyond cure following the long term use of phytoplankton supplements.

Pauline Dowe from Pugwash Nova Scotia says:

I’ve been taking phytoplankton for my arthritis for almost a year now and it has had a tremendous impact on my life. I was on the never ending train of pain medications to alleviate my painful arthritis. I got to a point that my stomach was being extremely affected from the pain meds that I made the decisions to stop all pain medications and suffered from my arthritis taking countless hot baths to ease my pain and discomfort.

When my daughter in law introduced me to phytoplankton and suggested that I take it for my arthritis I thought why not, I have nothing to lose and at this point I was willing to try anything! Within 24 hours of taking phytoplankton I couldn’t believe how much my pain had diminished! I still had stiffness of my joints but the pain was reduced by 60%! I’ve since made some lifestyle changes and with the added nutrients from phytoplankton I just keep getting better and better every day and know that in time I will be pain free. Phytoplankton truly is the best nutritional supplement I’ve added to my diet and will be for the rest of my life.

There are many phytoplankton products out there, so if your shopping around make sure you get what you pay for, Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton contains 400mg of pure phytoplankton in each capsule, i've been to different health food stores that had 25 mg of phytoplankton the rest were fillers!! You can't possibly get any benefit from 25 mg. So check out the web site:

Friday, 8 April 2011

Phytoplankton for Weight Loss

Phytoplankton For Weight Loss?

There are literally thousands of products out there for weight loss, some natural, some not so natural. Knowing more about your body and blood sugar levels is a step in the right direction to dropping the pounds and being successful. The benefits of taking phytoplankton for weight loss is a healthy natural way of getting there.

When we eat, our body converts digestible carbohydrates into blood sugar (glucose), our main source of energy. Our blood sugar level can affect how hungry and how energetic we feel, both important factors when we are watching how we eat and exercise. It also determines whether we burn fat or store it.

Our pancreas creates a hormone called insulin that transports blood sugar into our body's cells where it is used for energy. When we eat refined grains that have had most of their fiber stripped away, sugar, or other carbohydrate-rich foods that are quickly processed into blood sugar, the pancreas goes into overtime to produce the insulin necessary for all this blood sugar to be used for energy. This insulin surge tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.

However, the greater concern with the insulin surge is not that it tells our body to start storing fat. Whatever we eat and don't burn up eventually gets turned into fat anyway.
The greater concern is that the insulin surge causes too much blood sugar to be transported out of our blood and this results in our blood sugar and insulin levels dropping below normal. This leaves us feeling tired and hungry and wanting to eat more. The unfortunate result of this scenario is that it makes us want to eat something else with a high sugar content. When we do, we start the cycle all over again.

Phytoplankton Weight Loss

Phytoplankton, along with a healthy diet, is a natural way to level your blood sugars so that you no longer get those insulin surges, therefore making it easier to stick with your healthy eating plan.

When taking phytoplankton for weight loss, take phytoplankton on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast and around 3:30 in the afternoon, when you go into your mid afternoon blood sugar drop, it will level your blood sugar and make you feel satiated so you won’t feel the need to reach for those sugary snacks to give you that quick pick me up. So reach for an apple or any piece of fruit instead and keep that metabolism running efficiently.

There are many phytoplankton products out there, so if your shopping around make sure you get what you pay for, Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton contains 400mg of pure phytoplankton in each capsule, i've been to different health food stores that had 25 mg of phytoplankton the rest were fillers!! You can't possibly get any benefit from 25 mg. So check out my web site:

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Eczema Healed by Phytoplankton

Have you been diagnosed with Eczema? Do you have a hard time talking to people, embarrassed to wear shorts, dresses or a swim suit? Has eczema ruined your social life? Well if you answered "yes" then you've probably hopped on the never ending pharmaceutical train to Cortizone and Steroid creams that will not heal but only mask the problem. Did you know you could have your Eczema Healed by Phytoplankton?

Traditional medicine considers the cause of eczema to be unknown but does admit that abnormal function of the immune system is involved. So knowing that the immune system is involved maybe we should start looking there.

Phytoplankton For Eczema

We've all heard how important a proper diet is to follow and with so many fast foods available to us it can be a little challenging. In today’s world our food supply does not contain nearly enough nutrition in order for a human being to function properly and live a normal life. The result has been a collective sickness throughout society. Being tired, stressed, depressed, and sick is now considered normal. A lot of us are taking multivitamins and supplements to try adding what we are missing from our poor diets. Adding Phytoplankton to your daily diet has been known to cure Eczema naturally! Pure Nutrition is so jam packed with vitamin and minerals that it works at getting rid of toxins in your body that may be causing your eczema outbreaks.

I highly recommend you trying this product for your eczema for 30 days and not only will you see an improvement in your skin, you will notice increased energy and an overall feeling of calmness and you will just feel great!!

There are many phytoplankton products out there, so if your shopping around make sure you get what you pay for, Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton contains 400mg of pure phytoplankton in each capsule, i've been to different health food stores that had .25 mg of phytoplankton the rest was fillers!! You can't possibly get any benefit from .25 mg. So check out my web site: No comments:

Friday, 25 February 2011

Phytoplankton Natural Energy Without Coffee

There is nothing worse than feeling depleted of energy, tired, exhausted and the dreadful mid-afternoon "crash". When your struggling to get through the day, exhaustion stops you from doing anything new, like a hobby, or exercise. If you feel what i'm talking about, well I have some great news for you! Phytoplankton Natural Energy Without Coffee is the way to get energy naturally, not by some artificial way like a coffee, energy drink or a drug, but by getting a real core energy into you, rather than draining you even more so that you can get on with your day, feel good, and really start to live.

Phytoplankton Natural Energy

So if you are exhausted and looking for a way to have natural energy without coffee, there is nothing I could recommend more than "Phytoplankton", because this builds your core strength so over the long term it will allow you to have more energy and feel less exhausted, but it also gives you an instant shot of energy that won't leave you drained afterwards. The product that I recommend is Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton, it comes in the form of a capsule or powder in which you take with water and is absorbed almost instantly.

The reason you get this energy is because of all the nutrients this little capsule contains. There are too many to list here but I will list a few for you, one of these nutrients is:

Riboflavin: - Riboflavin defends against free radical attacks, provides physical energy, and alleviates eye fatigue.

Iron: - Iron combats fatigue, lessens depression and decreases anemia, and Thiamine, it reduces fatigue, improves mental attitude, and relieves tension.

These are just a few of the many, many nutrients in Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton which all attribute to increased natural energy levels.

I've been taking Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton for 6 months now and my energy levels have soared, not only am I getting more done in my day but i've since cut back to one coffee a day, I now save over $100.00 per month because i'm not doing my usual coffee runs to the local coffee shop. I feel better and healthier because i'm not overloading my body with all that un-needed caffeine.

There are many phytoplankton products out there, so if your shopping around make sure you get what you pay for, Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton contains 400mg of pure phytoplankton in each capsule, i've been to different health food stores that had .25 mg of phytoplankton the rest was fillers!! You can't possibly get any benefit from .25 mg. So check out my web site: and see for yourself what people are saying about this fantastic product.

Pure Nutrition Phytoplankton Benefits

Almost everyone who takes Pure Nutrition experiences elevated energy levels far beyond any energy drink. The benefits of Pure Nutrition are outstanding.

  • You have more power against the effects of stress
  • In a few days you will have a feeling that you are getting better. It can be described in a way of feeling stronger, and more balanced
  • Nutrition helps your “plumbing” and with the removal of toxins so you might notice a more frequent need to urinate and normalized bowel movements. This will make you feel “lighter”
  • If you have any Blood Pressure or Blood Sugar problems....don‘t be surprised if your test results begin to improve.
  • Skin conditions are internal problems. If you have a skin condition...(acne, psoriasis, eczema). Make sure you take a picture before you start and please send us a picture of the same area a month later.
The majority of people living with pain and discomfort in their joints and muscles who take PURE NUTRITION notice that they enjoying their life a lot more.
People who take PURE NUTRITION for serious problems tend to tell all their friends about what PURE NUTRITION has done for them.

Pure Nutrition
is loaded with protein and oxygen so performance athletes report more cardiovascular capacity, faster recovery, and stimulated muscle growth.
You will find that binge eating becomes more of a conscious choice rather than an uncontrollable craving. This can result in weight loss.

  • Women have enthusiastically reported stronger nails, silkier hair, and smoother skin
  • Women have also reported more balanced
    menstrual cycles
  • Most people suffering from sinus problems and headaches have reported freedom
  • Men who have erection problems gain their
  • power back.
  • Herpes outbreaks become fewer and far between.
  • You will sleep more deeply, and not be as tired when you wake up

What Is Phytoplankton

What Is Phytoplankton?

Phytoplankton A Pure Natural Source From The Ocean: Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that grow in the upper regions of the ocean where sunlight is plentiful. These small plants, which are composed of algae, are the bottom of the food chain for the entire planet. Phytoplankton require light for photosynthesis, so they usually are found near the surface of the water.

A wide variety of adaptations help them stay afloat. Some beat their flagellas and tread water. Others have fins and spines that act as water wings. Others store extra food as oil, which buoys them up near the surface.

What Is Marine Phytoplankton

Did You Know: Phytoplankton are responsible for making up to 90% of Earth's oxygen.

Phytoplankton, the single-cell plants are the food utilized by the worlds largest and longest living animals and fish. They are the basis of all other life forms on planet earth, the 'vegetation' of the ocean.

Phytoplankton are the food utilized by the worlds largest and longest living animals and fish. Blue whales, bowhead whales, baleen whales, gray whales, humpbacks, and right whales all eat plankton. These species live between 80 and 150 years old and maintain great strength and endurance throughout their lives. The largest fish a plankton eating whale shark lives for over 150 years, grows up to 14 meters long, weighs up to 15 tons, and is sexually active until it dies.

According to NASA: Phytoplankton produces between 50% and 90% of all the oxygen in the air that we breathe, depending on the seasons. It also absorbs most of the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, helping to maintain a balanced ecosystem which is essential for all life and a healthy planet. There are billions of tons of carbon dioxide residing on the sea bed which have been transported there by Phytoplankton when it eventually sinks down to the bottom of the ocean.

This amazing micro-algae, more than 99% of all creatures that live in the Ocean depend, either directly or indirectly, on this phytoplankton for their survival.

Phytoplankton is being hailed as the new 'super food', it is 100% nutritionally useful and bio-available to the body; when you eat Phytoplankton, nothing whatsoever gets wasted.